Information about interpretation at the congress

Dear attendees of the #comunicambio congress,

We will see you tomorrow in Castellón and we would like to take the opportunity to share some information about the interpretation at the congress.

Here below you can find the schedule of the sessions, with the corresponding language (Spanish is highlighted in yellow and English in blue) as well as the type of interpretation. We can provide the simultaneous interpretation for all sessions where the necessary facilities are available.

With this regards, the simultaneous interpretation will be available for all morning sessions (in the Auditorium) and for the afternoon sessions that take place in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. People who need interpretation can borrow the necessary headphones before entering the session (in the hall or outside the classroom). This is a free service and you can borrow the headphones just by leaving your ID card (or passport) as deposit: after each session you return the headphones and you will receive your ID card back.

Due to the limited number of headphones available, we kindly request you to borrow them only if you really need the interpretation service.

Moreover, if you need the headphones, we recommend you to arrive at least 5 minutes before the beginning of the session in order to borrow them on time and avoid delays.

In the other classrooms, as there are not the necessary facilities for the simultaneous interpretation, we can provide a whispered interpretation (an interpreter “whisper” the translation to a group of people). The sessions with the option of whispered interpretation are the afternoon panels on May 20th and 21st. In some activities, due to their dynamic features (workshops, etc.) it is not possible to provide interpretation. However, there is always a main session with interpretation available and we hope this will be of interest to you.

We look forward to meeting you in Castellón on Wednesday!

If you need some extra details on the town and the UJI, please check our venue guide:


#comunicambio committee

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