The injustices and inequalities taking place worldwide have moved thousands of people to claim their rights through social movements. Especially since 2011, citizens protests have revived globally with the Arab Spring, the 15M in Spain, Occupy in the United States and other countries such as Greece, Turkey, Chile or Brazil, that have also seen several social movements unfolding.

The International Congress on Communication, Civil Society and Social Change (#comunicambio, #com4change) is organized in a participatory way with professionals in communication, NGOs, social movements, researchers and scholars in the field of communication, civil society and social change.

This event, which includes gender and culture of peace as essential and cross-cutting features, has been conceived from a perspective of empowerment and agency with the purpose of exploring peaceful proposals and alternatives that, from civil society, could contribute to the transformation of social injustices and inequalities.

The congress is rooted in a long tradition of research and activities for social change. In this regard, it is configured as the fifth edition of the Forum Education, Communication and Citizenship, the twentieth anniversary of the Master in International Studies in Peace, Conflict and Development of the IUDESP-UJI and the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, along with the four editions of the Congress on Education for Development that have already been organized by the Institute of Development and International Cooperation Studies HEGOA (see the proceedings and conclusions of the last congress).

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