This international congress #comunicambio [#com4change] addresses issues that are related to communication, civil society and social change in a broad sense. These general themes are organized around the following topics and their related panels of communications (which will take place in the afternoon sessions of the first two days of the congress):

T1. Communication and social change: epistemologies and indicators

Possible sub-topics: culture of peace, theories of social change, theories of transformative communication, indicators of peace and communication
Hashtags: #PeaceCulture, #SocialChange, #Com4change, #globalchange, #buenconocer, #procomún, #15mp2p, #buenvivir #perunavidavivible

Coordination: Salvador Seguí Cosme and Irene Comins Mingol, Universitat Jaume I

T2. From victims to indignants: discourses, representations and empowerment

Possible sub-topics: the condition of the victim in the media, representations of protests
Hashtags: #EmpowerVictims, #Indignants, #MediaDiscourse, MediaRepresentations, #IamAMigrant #ForoMigrante #ForoFeminista #cineMigrante

Coordination: Vicente Benet Ferrando and Álex Arévalo Salinas, Universitat Jaume I

T3. Journalism, media and social change

Possible sub-topics: traditional, digital and local media, experiences in journalism
Hashtags: #Media, #CitizenJournalism, #AlternativeMedia, #Media4Change, #Mediadev, #devreporter, #migrantfiles

Coordination: Eva Espinar Ruiz, Universidad de Alicante, and Amador Iranzo, Universitat Jaume I

T4. Commercial communication, organizations and social change

Possible sub-topics: advertising, consumer behavior, the role of organizations, solidarity 2.0
Hashtags: #comunicambio, #mediadev, #conigualdad, #laayudaimporta, #comunicaciónsocial, #Fscat2014, #crowdfunding, #funding

Coordination: Montse Santolino Prieto, (Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global) and Yolanda Polo, Coordinadora ONGD de España

T5. Social mobilization and emotions

Possible sub-topics: social movements, forms and attitudes in the protests, violence/nonviolence, moral sensitivity, global awareness
Hashtags: #SocialMovements, #Nonviolence, #CivilResistance, #MoralSensitivity, #SocialEngagement, #Globalrev, #movilizacción, #Occupy, #15M, #ciudadaníaalpoder

Coordination: Daniel Pinazo Calatayud and Sonia París Albert, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

T6. Cyberactivism, social change and social movements

Possible sub-topics: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, N-1, streaming, online collaborative work
Hashtags: #ICT4socialchange, #SocialMedia4Change, #hacktivism, #redvolucionate, #Datactic, #SocialTIC, #tacticalmedia, #OccupyEP2014, #europe4the99, #TTIPnogracias, #novotisinjustícia, #bigdata

Coordination: Sonia Núñez Puente, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, and Alessandra Farné, Universitat Jaume I

T7. Education, civil society and social change

Possible sub-topics: Critical pedagogy, Education for citizenship, Community education, Participatory methodologies in education, Service Learning, Popular education, Intercultural inclusive schooling, Critical citizenship, Transformative education, lifelong learning
Hashtags: #TransformativeEducation, #educacionsocial, #redvolucionate

Coordination: María Lidón Moliner Miravet and Andrea Francisco Amat, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

T8. Transmedia narratives, artivism and social change

Possible sub-topics: artistic and creative initiatives, audiovisual culture, videogames, newsgames, webdocumentary, videogames documentary, Border Games
Hashtags: #art4change, #video4change, #artivism, #transmedia, #viñetasdevida, #16zemos98, #music4change

Coordination: Roberto Arnau Roselló, Universitat Jaume I

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